Capital Markets > Chinese Capital Markets Research, Winter 2015
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Chinese Capital Markets Research, Winter 2015
Macro Finance
The “New Normal” for China’s Economy
C-H Kwan, Nomura Institute of Capital Markets Research
Financial and Capital Market Reform
Pathway to Opening China’s Capital Markets
LI Yongsen, Financial Securities Institute, Renmin University
Sources of Lending Risk in Mutual Guarantee and Joint Surety and Direction of Reform
YIN Zhuo, Strategy and Regional Economic Research Department, Development Research Center of the State Council
Public Finance
Post-Third Plenum Fiscal and Tax Reforms-Securing Fiscal Revenues for Local Governments Remains a Problem
C-H Kwan, Nomura Institute of Capital Markets Research
Asset Management
The Changing Investment Strategy of China’s SWF and its Causes
PAN Yuanyuan & ZHANG Ming, Institute of World Politics and Economics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
Enterprise Finance
China’s Direct Investment in Japan from the Perspective of the Local Japanese Economy
Eiichi Sekine, Nomura Institute of Capital Markets Research
International Finance
Aims and Prospects of the Asian Infrastructure Bank Proposed by China
Eiichi Sekine, Nomura Institute of Capital Markets Research
Hot Topic
The Japan-China Summit and the Challenges of Sino-Japanese Financial Cooperation
Eiichi Sekine, Nomura Institute of Capital Markets Research