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HOME > Capital Markets > Research Conferences

Research Conferences

Nomura Foundation sponsors research conferences on developments in the structure and regulation of capital markets in advanced and emerging economies. Programs of past events can be read here and many of the papers and presentation materials are available for downloading.

Conference Series on Asian Capital Markets

Capital Market Development for Sustainable and Inclusive Growth in Asia
2 February 2023/ Asian Capital Markets Roundtable 2023, The Okura Prestige Tower, Tokyo

Conference Series on Chinese Capital Markets

Demographic Changes and the Role of Public and Private Finance
25 May 2024 / CIKD-Nomura Foundation Joint Research Conference 2024, The Ritz-Carlton, Xian
Business Opportunities and Challenges for Securities Industry under the New Open Door Policy
6 July 2019/ China-Japan Capital Markets Roundtable 2019, Four Seasons Hotel Shenzhen
The New Technology Revolution and the Evolution of the Financial Industry
30 June 2018 /China-Japan Capital Markets Roundtable 2018, Hyatt Regency Hangzhou
The Role of Capital Markets Encouraging “From Savings to Investment”
11 November 2017 /China-Japan Capital Markets Roundtable 2017, Hotel Nikko, Xiamen
Capital Markets and Development Through Innovation
21 May 2016 /China-Japan Capital Markets Roundtable 2016, Shangri-la Hotel Guangzhou
Capital Market Development under the “New Normal”
23 May 2015 / Chinese Capital Markets Research Conference, InterContinental Hotel, Qingdao, China
Urbanization: Public Finance and Funding Issues
10 May 2014 / DRC - Nomura Foundation Joint Research Conference,Shangri-La Hotel, Guilin
Role and Prospects of the Securities Industry in the Transformation of China's Economic Development System
25 May 2013 / DRC - Nomura Foundation Joint Research Conference, Westin Hotel, Xiamen
Currency Internationalization and the Outlook for the Renminbi
26 May 2012 / DRC - Nomura Foundation Joint Research Conference, Hyatt Regency Hotel, Hangzhou
Restructuring and Globalization of Chinese State-owned Enterprises
28 May 2011 / DRC - Nomura Foundation Joint Research Conference, Futian Shangri-la Hotel, Shenzhen
China's Market Design and Opening from Investors' Point of View
29 May 2010 / DRC - Nomura Foundation Joint Research Conference, Shangri-la Hotel, Guangzhou
Sovereign Funds and Investment Governance
23 May 2009 / DRC - Tokyo Club Foundation Research Conference, Shangri-la Hotel, Qingdao
Strengthening and Preparing China's Securities Market for the Era of Full Circulation of Shares
19 April 2008 / DRC - Tokyo Club Research Conference, Shangri-la Hotel, Dalian
Capital Market Development in China and the Role of Institutional Investors
12 May 2007 / DRC - Tokyo Club Research Conference, Jinjiang Hotel, Chengdu, Sichuan
Upgrading Chinese Enterprises: Progress and Prospects for Governance and M&As
15 April 2006 / DRC - Tokyo Club Research Conference, Green Lake Hotel, Kunming
Regulatory Reform of China's Securities Market
5 June 2005 / DRC - Tokyo Club Research Conference, St. Regis Hotel, Beijing
Bad Assets in the Chinese Banking System
14 December 2004 / DRC - Tokyo Club Research Conference, St. Regis Hotel, Beijing

Conference Series on Advanced Capital Markets

Restructuring Financial Infrastructure to Speed Recovery
26 October 2012 / Brookings - Nomura - Wharton Research Conference, Brookings Institution, Washington, D.C.
Too Big to Fail? Resolving Large Troubled Financial Institutions in the Future
14 October 2011 / Brookings - Nomura - Wharton Research Conference, Brookings Institution, Washington, D.C.
Growing Old: Paying for Retirement and Institutional Money Management after the Crisis
15 October 2010 / Brookings - Nomura - Wharton Research Conference, Brookings Institution, Washington, D.C.
After the Credit Crash: The Future of Finance
16 October 2009 / Brookings - Tokyo Club - Wharton Research Conference, Huntsman Hall, Wharton School, Philadelphia, PA.
Prudent Lending Restored: Securitization After the 2007 Mortgage Securities Meltdown
16 October 2008 / Brookings - Tokyo Club - Wharton Research Conference, Brookings Institution, Washington, D.C.
The Future of the Mutual Fund Industry
18 October 2007 / Brookings - Tokyo Club Research Conference, Brookings Institution, Washington, D.C.
New Financial Instruments and Institutions: Opportunities and Policy Challenges
12 September 2006 / Brookings - Tokyo Club Research Conference, Brookings Institution, Washington, D.C.
After the Horses Have Left the Barn: The Future Role of Financial Gatekeepers
28 September 2005 / Brookings -Tokyo Club Research Conference, Brookings Institution, Washington, D.C.
Financial Services in the Aftermath of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley (GLB) Financial Modernization Act
5 October 2004 / Brookings - Tokyo Club Research Conference, Brookings Institution, Washington, D.C.