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Nomura Foundation Privacy Policy

Basic Policy

Nomura Foundation and all of its officers and employees will comply with the following basic policy as well as with all relevant laws and regulations and guidelines from supervising authorities.

1. Personal information including the Individual Number (hereafter, "Personal Information") will be collected in a manner consistent with all relevant laws and regulations, and necessary measures will be taken to ensure that such information is correct and up-to-date.

2. Personal Information will not be used beyond the scope of the Purpose of Utilization. The Individual Number, in particular, will only be used in accordance with relevant laws and regulations. Personal Information will not be disclosed to third parties without consent from the individual, unless there are justifiable grounds, such as if a disclosure is required under laws and regulations.

3. Thorough training will be provided to officers and employees in order to prevent the leakage or inappropriate use of Personal Information. In addition, managers responsible for controls and inspections will be appointed and appropriate control systems will be established.

4. In the event that Personal Information is provided to an external contractor, Nomura Foundation will take responsibility for ensuring that said external contractor has proper systems in place to protect the privacy of such Personal Information.

5. Concerning Personal Information, disclosure, correction, and termination of usage shall be carried out upon request from an individual, in accordance with all relevant laws and regulations.

How We Use Personal Information

1. For the fulfillment of rights and obligations under laws and contracts, etc.

2. For the purpose of selecting among applicants for grants and informing the results to applicants

3. In order to inform grantees about the procedures for receiving grants and reporting their activities

4. In announcing names of grantees

5. In announcing events organized by Nomura Foundation

6. In distributing Nomura Foundation publications

7. In addition, for operations aimed at achieving the objectives of Nomura Foundation

8. Notwithstanding the preceding clauses, use of the Individual Number will be limited solely to the preparation and submission of legal documents.

April 1, 2016
